Tuesday, August 26, 2008


My son has this beautiful, blond "surfer" hair. I swore up and down that if I ever had a son, he would not look like a sissy baby. I am so obsessed with his hair though that I can not cut it. It is just so pretty.

Finally today though it was so "tangly" that it had to be done. I had to get it shaped up because he was looking like a ragamuffin. I told the hairdresser though to keep it as long as possible.

I am justifying myself with the following thoughts, " Long hair on boys is in style," and " Jesus most likely had long hair."

I think that I have learned to avoid be confident of the things that I will and will not do in the future. I do know that I continue to surprise myself.
The picture is not of my son. Jack's hair is much longer.

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