Friday, August 22, 2008

Transmit Only

My husband and I have an expression for people that can only talk and never listen, "transmit only." It is so frustrating to never be heard. We all are guilty, but we shouldn't be.

If the goal is to be heard, talking more and never listening will hurt much more than it will help. It is so sad that in today's culture we actually have to teach listening as a skill.

As a Christian we should naturally want to know the state of someone's heart and their feelings and concerns. In our very busy world though, we have to make an intentional effort to slow down and be quiet.

What if we took the time to hear what our neighbors and our loved ones were trying to tell us? What if we took the time to hear what our children were really trying to say?

What if we took the time to listen, really listen to God?

Would the world be a better place? Yes

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