Thursday, August 7, 2008

Family Kaizen

In my work at home business tips blog, I just wrote about Kaizen. Kaizen is a Japanese word that means to continuously improve in an orderly and gradual manner. I was focusing on this term as a method to grow a business. It is so appropriate to a family though!

Isn't this what we want for our children? To grow in wisdom and stature in a continuous and gradual manner is the goal we all share for our kids. What a blessing when we see improvements in this way.

Kaizen is the method in which God grows us through the process of sanctification. Sure sometimes we will have set backs and big leaps forward, but everyday and every second God is continually working on our behalf.

I have been tossing around applying this method of continual improvement to my house. Every day we are making it our goal that the state of organization and cleanliness gets a little bit better. If we are successful, maybe my patience and frustration level will experience some kaizen!

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